Evansville nonprofit Foster Care In The U.S. Inc. (FCINUS) is holding a fundraiser and
donation drive this Saturday, July 29, and Sunday, July 30, at the Walmart Supercenter on the city’s west
The organization will have a booth set up 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday and 9-11 a.m. Sunday at each entrance
outside Walmart at 335 S. Red Bank Road. Shoppers can visit with the nonprofit’s Executive Director
Jessica Angelique, board members, and volunteers, and learn more about the I Am Tomorrow Today
(IATT) Project. Members of the media are encouraged to visit both days and speak with young adults
participating in the IATT Project.
FCINUS welcomes donations of hygiene products, socks, bras, underwear, and new or gently used winter
coats. Cash donations will benefit The IATT House, the first permanent supportive housing facility for
southwestern Indiana young adults ages 18-24 who are homeless, transitioning out of foster care, or at
risk. Services for participants start at age 16. The IATT House also is Evansville’s first and only permanent
supportive home for people in this age range
For more information contact:
Phone: (812) 319-7507
Email: jessica@fostercareintheus.org